An official army family and MWR Site

Family Advocacy Program - Parenting and Couples' Support


The U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program (FAP) helps Soldiers and Families recognize and meet the unique challenges of military lifestyles. Our services include seminars, workshops, counseling, and intervention to help strengthen Army Families, enhance resiliency and relationship skills, and improve quality of life.

We are also dedicated to helping Soldiers and Families with the complex challenges related to domestic abuse, child abuse, and neglect. We focus on prevention, education, prompt reporting, investigation, intervention, and treatment.

If you need help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at + 1(800)799-7233. You should also contact your installation’s Family Advocacy Program for more information.

Our additional programs within the Family Advocacy Program help with specific needs:

New Parent Support Program (NPSP): Expecting parents and parents with children ages 0-3 have special challenges, and NPSP has tools to meet them. Programs including home visits and parenting classes help caregivers learn to cope with stress, isolation, deployments, reunions, and the everyday demands of parenthood.


Transitional Compensation (TC) Program for Abused Dependents: Under a congressionally mandated program, abused dependents of military personnel may be eligible for up to three years of benefits and entitlements, including temporary financial compensation, medical care, and commissary and exchange privileges.


Victim Advocacy Program (VAP): Victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse have round-the-clock access to services, including emergency assistance, information, referrals, and ongoing support in accessing medical, behavioral health, legal, and law enforcement services on and off garrisons. Victim Advocates will discuss the option of restricted and unrestricted reports.


Seminars and Workshops

Seminars and workshops are available to you, your unit, or your Family support group. Topics may include:

  • Command and Troop Education
  • Community Awareness
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Couples Communication Skills
  • Stress Management
  • Prevention Programs and Services
  • New Parent Support Program
  • Parent Education
  • Domestic Violence Prevention
  • Victim Advocate Program
  • Relationship Support
  • Safety Education
  • Respite Care Program
  • Emergency Placement Care Program
  • Reporting Procedures


Contact your installation’s Army Community Service (ACS) Family Advocacy Program for more information.


You can also call Military OneSource for more information and referrals.

Child Abuse: For information on what child abuse is, or how to report child abuse, visit our Child Abuse web page. If you fear a child is in immediate danger, call 911.

To report suspected abuse or neglect, call the MPs, which are accessible 24 hours a day through the Integrated Incident Management Center (I2MC) at 911 (emergency) or +1 (910)907-4813 or +1 (910)907-4814 for non-emergencies. Another resource to report child abuse is the National Child Abuse Hotline at +1 (800)422-4453.

If you have questions, call us! If you are concerned about your privacy, you don’t have to give your name. You don’t even have to want our local services; we will still help!

Classes & Happenings

Click here to view ACS classes and events

Victims of Partner Abuse (24/7 Help)

We offer help 24 hours a day/7 days a week to victims through our Victim Advocate Program.

Domestic Violence questionnaire (.pdf)

To Report Suspected Abuse
Additional Family Resources

Marriage and Family Counseling

Marital Enrichment Classes

Child Safety

PSB-CY flyer (.pdf)

Safe Touches flyer (.pdf)

Dangers of Social Media flyer (.pdf)

Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth (PSB-CY)

View Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth (PSB-CY) for extensive information.

Leader Resources for Responding To/Preventing Serious Family Problems

New Leaders are required to be trained - All new Commanders and their Senior NCO/First Sergeant/CSM are required to attend a Family Advocacy Leaders Training within 45 days before or after assignment (this is covered during the Pre-Command Course as well). Call us to set up a training at any time/place that works!

Commander/First Sergeant Requirements - Partner Abuse Incidents

  1. Implement a Military Protective Order - Separate the couple using a Military Protective Order for at least 72 hours. Military Protective Order (.pdf).
  2. Immediately Report the Case - Contact Social Work +1 (910)907-7869 or after hours by calling the WAMC Emergency Room, at +1 (910)907-6559, and asking for the on-call Social Worker. Inform Social Work of the incident, so that they can arrange for an assessment of the couple.
  3. Use Victim Advocates - Have the victim speak to a victim advocate by calling +1 (910)322-3418.
  4. Secure Weapons - Ensure any weapons belonging to the couple are secured by either the police or the unit.
  5. Attend Treatment Meetings - Attend the WAMC Social Work Case Review Committee (CRC) Treatment Meeting on your Soldier’s case, to represent your Soldier, at Social Work (3rd Floor WAMC Medical Center.
  6. Contact for Help - Contact the Family Advocacy Program at +1 (910)396-5521 if you/your staff need guidance on procedures to follow at the time of an incident. To report Family abuse at any time, call the 24/7 Family Abuse Hotline at +1 (910)322-3418.
  7. Lautenburg Amendment - Be advised that the Lautenberg Amendment (.pdf) may cause serious problems for your Soldier if he/she has been charged with assault of their spouse/intimate partner by a civilian court.

Commander/First Sergeant Requirements - Child Abuse Incidents

  1. Immediately Report Case - Contact Social Work +1 (910)907-7869 or after hours by calling the WAMC Emergency Room, at +1 (910)907-6559, and asking for the on-call Social Worker. Inform Social Work of the incident, so that they can arrange for an assessment of the Family. Be aware that both Social Work and the County Department of Social Services are required to evaluate cases of child abuse and that the county is authorized to go to the home of the Family to make this evaluation.
  2. Attend Treatment Meetings - Attend the WAMC Social Work Case Review Committee (CRC) Treatment Meeting on your Soldier’s case, to represent your Soldier, at Social Work (3rd Floor WAMC Medical Center.
  3. Contact for Help - Contact the Family Advocacy Program at +1 (910)396-5521 if you/your staff need guidance on procedures to follow at the time of an incident. To report Family abuse at any time, call the 24/7 Family Abuse Hotline at +1 (910)322-3418.

Important points to consider with Family Violence Cases

  • Any physical action is wrong - Pushing, shoving, grabbing, holding, keeping from leaving and other physical actions against or with a spouse or intimate partner is not allowable behavior, no matter how a Soldier or partner may feel they were provoked by the other.
  • What is child abuse? - A parent is allowed to spank their child on the bottom with their bare hand. Any other physical discipline to any other body part or that causes bruising, marks or injury to any part of a child’s body is illegal and needs to be reported by Army regulation.
  • Child Neglect - Neglect of a child, that causes any marks or injuries or that could potentially endanger a child is also illegal and needs to be reported by Army regulation.
  • Expect minimization when asked - When asking a Soldier about an incident, look for the most honest Soldier to minimize what actually happened. Especially look for signs that the Soldier is lying about the incident and be especially suspicious of any Soldier that blames abuse by him/her on the other partner –there is no excuse for a Soldier to lay their hand on their spouse, no matter what the excuse.
  • Get other partner's side - Be especially suspicious if the civilian partner cannot be reached for their side of what happened and make every effort to locate and speak to him/her or to get a victim advocate to locate them. Many victims will go into hiding out of fear after an abuse situation, may forgive their spouse and not want to “add fuel to the fire” by speaking to you, but it is also very possible that the Soldier does not want his/her spouse contacted to give their side.
  • When victims keep returning - Try not to judge too harshly or to totally discount a report of abuse by a victim who you know has returned to their partner after abuse. There are many compelling reasons why victims, especially females, may return to an abusive situation that have nothing to do with the truth of what happened.
  • Most dangerous point - In situations where spouses take action to permanently separate and there has been partner abuse in the past, this separation action might be the most dangerous time for serious abuse to occur. If you learn of such an action, even 6 months or a year after an incident, keep close tabs on the abusive partner and encourage the victim leaving to contact a victim advocate at +1 (910)322-3418.
  • Key signs of an especially bad case - Look for warning signs (.pdf) of a possibly controlling spouse or partner.

How to help prevent abuse in your unit

  • No excuse for assault - Make it clear to everyone in your unit that there is NO EXCUSE for anyone putting their hands on anyone else in the unit (assault/violence), including Family members.
  • Everyone get involved - Strongly and frequently encourage everyone to step in and act whenever they suspect a fellow Soldier, a Family member or neighbor needs help of any kind, including marital problems, messy home, child maltreatment, depression, suicidal thoughts, sexual misconduct, drug/alcohol misuse, reckless driving, etc.  Better Bystander Behavior (.pdf)
  • Make sure leaders know how to respond - Make sure all your leaders know how to handle an abuse situation by arranging a leaders' training at any time/place that works for your unit.
  • Make sure Soldiers and Family Members know how to get help - Make sure all your Soldiers and their Family members know how to get help early by scheduling yearly unit briefings at a time/place that works for them. Consider integrating important help or incident avoidance information during pay day activities, during safety briefings prior to training holidays and block leave, etc.  Training Information (.pdf)
  • Low tolerance for continued abuse - If one of your Soldiers/Families has a Family Violence incident, make sure it is reported and that the Soldier/Family gets treatment. Then, if the Family violence re-occurs after they have received treatment, strongly consider serious disciplinary action, including chapter discharge. Consider chapter action even if a Soldier continues to be victimized by their spouse because this seriously impacts mission readiness and influences other Soldiers.
  • Foster support systems - During FRG meetings and Organizational Days, find ways to connect junior enlisted and other Soldiers and Family members with other like members of the unit that they can relate to and seek out in the event of an emergency or issue. “Junior Families” are much more likely to contact a peer or friend than a unit leader in time of need and many Families do not have the social connections they need after moving to our installation from a far-away place.
  • Target new fathers for help - Find ways to involve any new fathers more in both the parenting of their new child and the support of their spouse. Encourage them to attend a Dads 101 class or allow them time to go to their home for a home visit by a New Parent Support Program Home Visitor. These visits can be scheduled for the optimal time for the Soldier. Lack of parenting and partner support with childcare and household chores are the number one causes of serious child injury and marital problems among military Families.
  • Many single Soldier issues - Single Soldiers have many Family Violence related issues! Because North Carolina requires a one year legal separation before divorce, many Soldiers may be dating still-married persons and placing themselves in potential danger as a result. Dating violence perpetrated by single Soldiers is a Family Advocacy Program reportable offense. Many single Soldiers or single parents will allow unsuitable Soldier/civilian boyfriends or girlfriends to watch their children, leading to serious deaths or injuries of children.
  • Visit homes - Find ways to visit the homes of high-risk Soldiers/Family Members in your unit, especially during deployments. Messy homes an point to a variety of problems in that home. Even in privatized housing, there are numerous reasons why a simple knock at the door and a brief greeting is allowed by unit leadership. When the door is opened, look at the condition of parts of the home you can see and also smell, while greeting the Family member. Often such an observation might be the only indication of a dangerous condition, such as spouse depression that, if left unchecked, could lead to death, serious injury or marital problems. This check-in is also vital to inform Family members about available services and that the unit cares for their well-being.


Check out this Military One Source link for additional support.



Dad Talk: An Open Forum

Aug 28 2 pm - 4 pm

EFMP Diabetes Awareness

Aug 31 11:30 am - 12 pm

Mom Talk: An Open Forum

Sep 17 2:30 pm - 4 pm

Spill The Tea: An Open Forum For Parents

Sep 19 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

EFMP Story Time (Sensory Friendly)

Sep 20 10 am - 11 am

EFMP Play Mornings

Oct 4 10 am - 11:30 am

Walking Away From Abuse: A Domestic Violence Symposium

Oct 31 8 am - 1 pm

Walking Away From Abuse: A Domestic Violence Symposium

Oct 31 8 am - 1 pm